Sunday 9 September 2007

She's The Star / I Take This Time

I've only got 17% battery left and I haven't the energy to get up and go into the next room and plug the laptop back in. I'll just type and type and type until it gives up. And then realise I've ended it mid-sentence and then have to go and plug it in and finish anyway. On friday I finally deleted my Myspace account so I no longer have to look at an infinite number of pages of peoples egotistical "check out my life and how, like amazing it is John, just like yours isn't!" dross. I looked at the page for my first ever girlfriend the other day. We went out for a week. I went to sleep that night happy that I'm at least several percent responsible for the tattooed, vile, insipid waste of space she has ultimately become. I also deleted my facebook account because I am a child, although I then realised that I can't now keep in contact with al the people that I actually DO want to remain friends with, plus there's a faint possibility that one day I can take cheap pleasure from anyone that I went to school with who might one day be droolingly bored enough to try and adding me, doing so, so that I can turn them down and pretend for the half-second it takes to click the mouse that I might actually be better than them.


Anonymous said...

Ah, but you can keep in touch with them John. Email worked in the olden days, and it still works now.

I've turned my MySpace into fairly shameless self-promotion, which doesn't really work when I'm fucking unemployed.

Grace said...

Please write more stuff or I might have to cry.