Wednesday 21 November 2007

Someone Always Gets There First

I am using Wordpad. Why anybody in this day and age uses Notepad is completely baffling. Why use a program which doesn't allow word-wrap when you have the same resources to use one that does is ridiculous. It's like using a typewriter in the early nineties when word processors are available? Actually, why am I bothering to write this? Charlier Brooker has probably already written about this is a column. I'm starting to get annoyed with Charlie Brooker now, because almost every exciting though about popular culture in the last three years that I'd had, I've discovered Charlie Brooker also has and expressed in far more interesting terms in a national column, in the Guardian, and in far more explicit and definitive terms than I have. For instance, reading his last anthology, which I tend to do for lack of desire to read The Guardian every week, I've noticed he has written an article about Chat magazine, which, about three years ago when I was going out with Anna, we used to read on a regular basis as a result of it's utter preposturousness. Read it once, and you'll know everything about it. But I never went on about it enough. But Charlie Brooker can mention it in the Guardian Guide and now I'm fucked, because I can never discuss it because I'll sound like a bad Brooker rip-off. I used to hate Nick Hornby because he wrote '31 Songs" because I thought it would be amazing to write a book about how amazing 31 particular songs would be. But after reading it, I realised he never stole my idea because it was never my intention to write a derivative, shitty smattering of sub-par memoirs about how much Teenage Fanclub changed my crappy life for the better" so now I don't feel better. But Charlier Brooker; I might as well not exist anymore. He has done articles about every Tv program I've ever felt was worth ridiculing, but did it so long before me, he has rendered all of my opinions more useless than a bullet proof vest in a Hugh Grant movie.

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